It's the little things

For the last four years Nanny S and I have been going out for lunch on a semi-regular basis. As life has become busier, it's become harder to keep this commitment. I found that weeks and months would fly by and I wouldn't have had time for our lunches. These lunches are important. Firstly, because they are time spent together. As Nan always reminds us each birthday and Christmas, 'I might not be here next year', I want to enjoy her company while I can.

Secondly, our lunches are important because they are something for Nan to look forward to. Nanny S is a very independent person, however, she has lost her confidence when it comes to going out alone. She's had a couple of falls which has contributed to this loss of confidence. She's also become weaker and is unable to walk as far as she could. Nanny S arranges a taxi to take her to and from her weekly hair appointments, she uses travel vouchers (that have replaced her bus pass) to help with the cost, however, a hundred pounds (per year) doesn't stretch very far when you start to need to use taxis. The other trips out that Nan has to look forward to are health related ones which family members take her to.

I decided the only way that I was going to be able to keep my commitment to our lunch dates was the schedule them in, to make time for them. So when I got my 2019 calendar, I went through each month and marked our monthly lunch dates on it. I also did the same on her calendar, even though she rarely looks at it, so we can both look forward to our time together.


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