Taking some time

I've noticed as I progress within my career and within my relationship, that time is a precious commodity that always seems to be running out. I find it difficult, at times, to juggle the various parts of my life and to find balance. As with any relationship, the one I have with James takes effort and work. Complacency is an easy trap to fall into as you settle into a regular routine and when there are a number of other responsibilities to fulfil. That's why we try and take some time out together. To spend some quality time together away from the everyday. Taking some time out as a couple can vary from a few hours walking in the countryside to a weekend away or a holiday.

We're trying to schedule in a weekly walk because not only does it give us some quality time away from everyday distractions, it also helps us to maintain our physical and mental health. We both love to be outside in the fresh air and it's where I'm able to be mindful, to be present and pay attention to the world around me. To listen to the leaves rustling in the wind or the sea lapping against the beach.


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